Terms of Use & Privacy.

If you use the DonkereKamer.com website, then you agree to this:

This website and everything on it is the property of EXPO/SURE. Contact details and company number can be found in the footer of the website pages. The use of this site is governed by Belgian law.

Purpose of the site. The site was created to make De Donkere Kamer's offerings accessible online. So do not use the site to spread viruses or mailware, publish inappropriate content, steal data ...

You may not copy text or images from this site, without the written permission of the owner. However, you may share the link to this site, from trusted sites or platforms, to support the promotion of De Donkere Kamer.

EXPO/SURE regularly updates this website and keeps it as up-to-date as possible. It is possible that there is information somewhere that is no longer valid or incorrect, and has not yet been updated. To the extent permitted by law, EXPO/SURE cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the use of this information.

Linked Sites.
EXPO/SURE is not liable for what other websites state, linked to from DeDonkereKamer.com. If you click through to another website, the privacy and cookie rules may change.

These terms of use are subject to change. This version was last modified on 28/7/2023.


EXPO/SURE handles personal data securely. In doing so, we follow the regulations of the General Data Processing Regulation (the AVG for short, or GDPR in its English abbreviation).

Cookies on the website. Almost every website uses cookies, including DonkereKamer.com. 

* When you use the website, some functional cookies are installed on your device's hard drive. The 'minimal cookies' you cannot refuse and are the files that allow you to view and use the website normally.

* For other cookies, which help EXPO/SURE with marketing and analysis of the site, your permission is requested to use anonymized data e.g. your IP address (the unique code of the device you are using), the search engine or other website through which you arrived at this site, the pages you visited, the time and duration of your visit, http response codes between our server and your browser, the browser and operating system on your device. Google Analytics and Facebookpixel are examples of 'third party cookies'.

The Google Analytics cookie uses cookies that transfer information about website usage (including your IP address) to servers in the United States. Google uses this information to track how you use the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

By using the website, you agree to the DeDonkereKamer.com cookie policy. Please know that in your browser settings you can check that you will receive a warning when a cookie is installed or that cookies will be deleted from your hard drive after your site visit. 

Processing purposes and storage. The data you share with EXPO/SURE will be stored with due care in function of its processing. The processing of personal data is thus permitted if it is necessary to execute a contract, to comply with legal obligations, to pursue legitimate business interests. 

Direct marketing. Don't want to receive any commercial letter, e-mail, text message, phone ... receive? Contact EXPO/SURE and you will be removed from that database. You cannot unsubscribe from personalized communications in function of the services or the justified entrepreneurial interest of EXPO/SURE.

Passing on. The customer's personal data may be shared with partner companies of EXPO/SURE to serve these processing purposes. EXPO/SURE wants to cooperate only with reliable partners, who take the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

Retention period. Personal data will be retained for the period necessary to comply with legal requirements (e.g., accounting) and to build EXPO/SURE and De Donkere Kamer (e.g., with marketing and products).

Adjustments. You always have the right to request information about the processing of your personal data: upon request, you will receive a complete overview of all personal data EXPO/SURE holds about you by e-mail. You can also ask for them to be forwarded to another company within the EU. Furthermore, you have the right to change those data, if they are not correct. You can also have your personal data removed or prohibit us from using it, if it is incomplete or irrelevant. 

Not yet 18? All content posted by EXPO/SURE on the website is appropriate for children and adolescents. If a -18-year-old contacts EXPO/SURE, explicit permission from a parent or guardian is requested.

Complaints. If you feel that EXPO/SURE has not handled your question or complaint properly and that your rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority. The use of the website is governed by Belgian law.

Changes. These terms of use are subject to change. This version was last modified on 05/7/2023.