The Donkere Kamer: platform for photography

Gives photo talent a live & online stage

Imagine: what would the world be like without photography? No memorable moments in images, no visual inspiration and visible history. We would be missing so much... As a visual medium, photography plays a hugely important, defining role in our lives.

Photography imagines, wonders, connects

In a dark room, moments become more. The images give you an enriching look, inward and outward. That is what makes photography so versatile; it is art, history, culture.

It offers you inspiration, wonder and connection. Sometimes photography is confrontational, but always with a message that touches you.

Photography is the mirror on the world

"It shows small and big stories, from near & far. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, with pictures you can really understand each other.
Purely by looking. Visual language is universal, meaningful and connects, especially in these polarizing times.
Photography is the language of the future." - Kaat Celis

Connection through picture stories

As a universal art form, photography is more popular worldwide than ever. Kaat Celis, creator & front woman of De Donkere Kamer: "Zooming in on Belgium, our country may be small, but the talent present is great. As a platform, we want to give that talent a stage with resonance at home and abroad. In doing so, we excite many photography lovers, also by bringing top international photography to Belgium. Our mission is to create more connection through visual stories."

The Donkere Kamer is the connecting photography platform for:

Photo enthusiasts

who enjoy the beauty of imagery. They love the insight into distant cultures, other worlds and the connection it brings.

Photo Professionals

Who work in photography. They have passion for their craft and want to continue to develop in it both professionally and creatively.

Photo Collectors

Who are curious about the latest trends, series, projects & talents. Which ones are most promising in these? The Donkere Kamer points the way.

The Donkere Kamer offers:

📸 Live shows With well-known speakers on the biggest Flemish stages

📸 Online master classes From well-known (inter)national experts/photographers

📸 Expos around classic and surprising themes, from established & new talent

📸 Own academy with an exclusive review session

📸 Inspiring videos that give a glimpse into various photo books

📸 Engaging podcasts featuring interesting conversations about photography

📸 Unique webshop Featuring Belgian photographic art, from prints to books

Team of the Donkere Kamer

Kaat Celis

For more than 20 years founder & frontwoman Kaat Celis has been bringing people closer to photography. After graduating as a photographer, she worked in the media for over ten years, including as photo editor at Het Laatste Nieuws, Goedele Magazine and as chief of photography at De Morgen. Kaat is founder of the AntwerpPhoto Festival and has worked for World Press Photo, Bozar, Red Star Line Museum, MAS, Toneelhuis, C-Mine, Helmut Newton Foundation and others.

In addition, Kaat is active as a curator of various photography exhibitions at home and abroad. She is also much in demand as a juror in numerous (inter)national competitions and fairs. Through her expertise and extensive experience in photography, Kaat has built a versatile network, which she shares with you through The Donkere Kamer.

"Photography shows the world, brings nuance and beauty. I want to make the world a little bit more beautiful by bringing out the small and big picture stories."

Dimitri Heirbaut

Dimitri is a consultant within The Donkere Kamer and is in charge of financial and business management.

'Each photographer looks at his environment through his own glasses or lens. This gives you a different view of the world as a viewer. It makes us emotionally richer.'


Photographer Bastiaan Woudt gave the first-ever master class, exclusively from the platform of The De Donkere Kamer. Missed it? No problem, you can find the replay in the shop order. See also which newmasterclasses are scheduled soon. Or click here and automatically receive the announcement of the next one in your inbox.

"I like photo books very much. It's a physical object. It's something you can collect, you can keep, you can smell and you can also give it. It's something so much more emotional than a picture on a screen. The beauty of the medium of photo books is that it can spread so easily. A work on the wall can cost thousands of dollars, but a book is accessible to everyone. You can have a photo book forever. You can look at it every day if you want. It is the most beautiful way to present your photos. " - Bastiaan Woudt

Get to know Kaat Celis of The Donkere Kamer better:

  • Wherever she travels, her Mamiya analog camera always goes with her in Kaats suitcase

  • Trees are her favorite subject to photograph

  • Even in audio, Kaat likes to talk about photography: listen to the podcast

  • In her spare time, she often rushes through the countryside by racing bike

  • Kaat lives alternately near Leuven and at her home in France

  • More than 200 photography books adorn her bookshelf

    (which she also shows and discusses on YouTube. Curious? Click here)

Welcome to The De Donkere Kamer

The place where images come to life. Lights off, sound on: host Kaat Celis takes you on a journey of discovery in the private podcast. Will you join us?

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It's always lively at The Donkere Kamer. Want to stay up to date on our shows, expos, master classes and latest acquisitions in the shop? Sign up for the latest photography news: