For photographers who want to go next level.

Are you looking for an inspiring, safe place to take your photography to a higher level to the next level? A mentor who challenges you and helps you take your photography business to the next level? A sparring partner who drives you to action, who encourages you, but who also pinpoints the pain points and exposes your growth potential.

In the 1:1 mentor track we take the time to discuss topics that YOU want to talk about. So we look at what you need. No one size fits all but customized. We literally sit down at the drawing board together to take a closer look at your photographic practice and your photography and start transforming it. In this 1:1 mentoring program I love to help you create and do entrepreneurship with more confidence, strategy and freedom.

You don't have to do this alone!

Taking the plunge into a successful and sustainable photography business is a tough one.

You suddenly have to have a website, engage in marketing and change your whole mindset. You have to come up with projects, find assignments, sell photos,.... Suddenly you have to be able to do everything, or so it seems anyway. It can be very overwhelming, especially if you have no experience within the marketing world, and then clients, projects, opportunities and inquiries can be lacking. It's not surprising to feel a little lost then. But I can help you with this!

You love photography, and you want nothing more than to grow your business.

But you need more than a passion for photography to do that in this crowded marketplace. You need to know more than ever how marketing works, and how to market yourself. You need to know how to position yourself and maintain your network to bring in those certain shoots, expos and commissions. 

Who am I?

Mentor Kaat Celis: "With over 20 years of experience in the photo industry, both in Belgium and abroad, I understand like no other the challenges you face as a photographer. In all those years, I have mentored countless photographers and got to know the back of their business, including all the ups and downs. 

My own journey has also been one of continuous growth and development. In the beginning, my focus was still on deficit. Through trial and error, I managed to shift that to abundance.

For example, I have experimented extensively with various revenue models and have been investing in both personal and business coaching and mentorships for years. It is crucial for any entrepreneur to have a mentor who understands exactly where you want to go, and helps you how to get there from knowledge, expertise, experience and a whole lot of love for photography. That mentor I would very much like to be for you."

"The great thing is; this transformation doesn't have to take you years:
In this 1:1 mentor program, you can
pickmy brain for 6 months and I'm going to help you build, or grow your business - in a way that makes you happy and your creativity doesn't have to come second. "

Let's take the next step together.

You won't get a standard plan when you come to me for a 1: 1 mentoring program. Do expect a thorough examination, a deep dive into your business and who you are as a photographer (and therefore as a person).


Together we'll explore where you JOY and what your biggest dreams are, but equally we'll expose your blind spots and list the pitfalls. I keep asking until it feels right and right, until we have a plan that lights your fire. This can be a plan for a new offering, an exhibition project, a switch of target group or a general review of your entire business. I adapt to your needs for help, that's the starting point.


We start with a 3-hour live kick-off session in Antwerp in which we map out all questions, wishes, expectations, obstacles. From there we draw up a personal plan and convert it into action points. We see each other every month during a Zoom call of 90 minutes and in between you have me on speed dial via Whatsapp coaching from Monday to Friday, during working hours.

"As a photographer I have quite a lot of experience, but I was looking for a training course to develop further as an entrepreneur. At first I had my doubts. Because working on your mindset, is that really necessary? How glad I am that I took it. Only now do I understand how everything fits together. I have grown so much in all areas, as have my sales!"

- Melissa.

  • A clear plan, clear steps and taking your work to the next level.

  • A gigantic growth spurt in your photographic practice, 10 x bigger thinking, doing and expecting.

  • Working only from your conditions, making it flow creatively as well.

  • Looking at your limiting beliefs and a boost to your self-confidence.

And don't forget that your network will be greatly expanded!

This mentoring program provides:

Youare due for a 1 : 1 mentoring program if...

  • ... you have no idea how to address your ideal client/client

  • ... you know your photography is very good, but you can 't get enough assignments, projects, clients, opportunities out of it yet

  • ... you want to increase your sales but are unsure how

  • ... you are overwhelmed by all the marketing options and have no idea what exactly suits you.

  • ... you lack focus

  • ... you have to sacrifice creativity because of those endless TO DO's

  • ... wondering how to get into a particular network and get the right connections

  • ... you're a little lost in who you are as a photographer, what exactly your photographic practice stands for and what gets your fire lit

  • ... it does not flow enough in terms of money, photography and mindset

  • ... it feels like you have to very much pull and drag to get reports in

  • ... you feel there is much more possible for you as a photographer, but you just can't seem to cash in on it

  • ... you struggle with pricing

  • ... you still do too many assignments within your photography practice that you don't really enjoy that much leaving you no time for the things that really give you JOY.

What does this pathway look like practically?

▶ For 6 months I will be your mentor and you can pick my brain!
▶ We start with a 3-hour live kick-off in Antwerp.
▶ Every month we have a 90-minute follow-up call via Zoom
▶ Whatsapp coaching from Monday to Friday, within working hours

BONUS: Access to the online training on photography, money & mindset

Do you already have access to the online training? Then you will receive an extra 2 hour live closing moment in Antwerp as a gift!

"I wanted to take a new direction with my photography and wanted some help, next steps, advice, .... I received valuable feedback and clear next steps."

- Julie

"Having just started as a freelancer and in need of feedback on the direction I want to go in, I decided to enlist Kaat's help. Because of her help I have a clear choice between different avenues I can choose as a photographer. And a push in the butt :)." Her input is very positive, and instructive. Very clear and pleasant."

- Josefien.


The investment is 3900 euros, excluding VAT.

NOW TIME WITH BONUS: Access to the online training course photography, money & mindset

Do you already have access to the online training? Then you will receive an extra 2 hour live closing moment in Antwerp as a gift!

Do you prefer to pay in installments? You can:
6 monthly installments of € 750.

Who is this training for?

✅ For ambitious photographers who would like to take a big step in their photographic practice, mindset, professionalism, revenue and offerings.
✅ For conceptual, artistic photographers who would like to make a good living from their work, without having to take a side job.
✅ For commercial, applied photographers who would like to work only with their ideal clients and can charge excellent rates for doing so.
✅ For photographers who contract on Kaat's energy and very much want to learn from her, receive her guidance.
✅ For photographers who think in possibilities and growth, both business and personal.

❌ This mentorship is not for amateur photographers who see their photography as a hobby.
❌ This track does not suit photographers who do not dare to take steps in their personal and professional development.
❌ This mentorship is not for photographers who do not want to take personal responsibility and tend to put everything off.

This is the mentorship for photographers who want to go next level.

About me

After training as a photographer, I worked as photo editor at Het Laatste Nieuws and Goedele magazine and as Chief of Photography at De Morgen. 

After my career in media, I put Belgian photography on the (inter)national stage as founder and frontwoman of The Dark Room

The AntwerpPhoto Festival, live shows on major Flemish stages, online master classes, its own webshop plus podcast make The Darkroom the platform for Belgian photography.

I know the dynamics of the industry inside out and am also active as:

  • Curator of photographic exhibitions nationally and internationally.

  • Judge at various (inter)national photo competitions and fairs. 

  • Organizer of the Winner's Program for the winners of the World Press Photo Awards in Amsterdam. 

  • Creative & business mentor for professional photographers.

  1. Longer-term collaboration provides openness, transparency, trust and security. Everything can be said and shared, the high's and the low's. I am there for you. There are no secrets. And you ask the questions that are on your mind. I look for answers and solutions that suit you, customized, in a way that works for you because you are unique.

  2. The longer you work together, the more trust can be built and the deeper you will be willing and able to dive into certain topics. 6 months gives us the time and space to really go to the bone and not leave any unclear issues open. 

  3. In 6 months you can already grow and evolve seriously as an entrepreneur and as a photographer. Often over time you will see new issues emerge that we can tackle together. The more you grow and evolve, the stronger your foundation becomes and the deeper we can address it during mentoring. 

  4. The growth you go through and the insights, the tools that I teach you or that you learn to use better create more efficient work which cuts uncertainties, frustrations and time in half. And that takes time to get implemented. 

  5. You've had me 6 months in your pocket, on speed dial. You can whatsap me your pressing question any day of the week during working hours and I guarantee I will answer you within 48h. This is the only route, the only option to work so closely with me. 

Why is a 6-month course so valuable?

"If you dare to think in terms of possibilities, there is always a way. No matter what, a rock-solid mindset helps you believe in yourself, your work and the many opportunities to make good money." 

- Kaat Celis

Are you ready for your next level?

You won't get a standard plan when you come to me for a 1:1 mentoring program. Do expect a thorough investigation, a deep dive into your business and who you are as a photographer (and therefore as a person). Together we will explore where your JOY is and what your biggest dreams are, but equally we will expose your blind spots and list the pitfalls. I keep asking until it feels right and right, until we have a plan that lights your fire.

This can be a plan for a new offering, an exhibition project, a switch of target group or generally your entire business under the microscope. I adapt to your needs, that is the starting point. We start with a 3-hour live kick-off session in Antwerp in which we map out all your questions, wishes, expectations, obstacles. From there we make a personal plan and turn it into action points. We see each other every month until February during a zoom call of 90 minutes and in between you have me on speed dial via Whatsapp Coaching from Monday to Friday, during working hours. 

But so first: fill out the questionnaire so I can get to know you and your business and I can see if we are a match because 6 months of intensive collaboration requires a 100% YES both from you and me!


  • At this time there is no opportunity to enter. You can sign up on the waiting list and as soon as the doors open you will be the first to receive notification!

  • With over 20 years of experience in the photo industry, both in Belgium and abroad, I understand better than anyone the challenges you face as a photographer. In all those years, I've mentored countless photographers and got to know the back of their business, including all the ups and downs. 

    My own journey has also been one of continuous growth and development. In the beginning, my focus was still on deficit. Through trial and error, I managed to shift that to abundance.

    For example, I have experimented extensively with various revenue models and have been investing in both personal and business coaching and mentorships for years. It is crucial for any entrepreneur to have a mentor who understands exactly where you want to go, and helps you how to get there from knowledge, expertise, experience and a whole lot of love for photography. I would love to be that mentor for you.

  • There is definitely a follow-up possible after this 1:1 mentoring program. I will tell you more about this when you get to the end of the mentoring process.

  • That is entirely up to yourself and how much responsibility you take. Many entrepreneurs take it out within 3 months, others only after the process. In my experience, investing in your business is a sign that you are taking yourself and your business seriously. And it makes you more focused on growth.

  • Yes, you also have the option to pay in 6 installments of 750 euros excluding VAT.

  • If during the intake it appears that one session is sufficient for you, then we only invoice the intake at 500 euro ex VAT and the rest of the program is cancelled

  • Zoom is very easy (and free) to install on your computer! I will send you a roadmap on how to do this!

  • No matter where exactly you are in your photography practice. I help both beginning and advanced photographers grow in their photography practice, mindset and business skills. More important is whether you have a "fixed" or a "growth" mindset. Do you want to grow? Are you willing to take responsibility? Are you not afraid to step outside your comfort zone? Are you open to constructive feedback? Are you willing to put in the work? Then we are definitely a match and I can absolutely help you.

  • I myself learned an enormous amount from my past nine years as a creative entrepreneur. I experienced an enormous personal and business growth and want nothing more than to share the knowledge I gained. I wish you so much that you too can intensely enjoy what you do and that it produces sufficient results.