You have a heart for your profession. And at the same time, you work incredibly hard. And your turnover? It lags far behind when you consider how much time you put into your photography.

Most of all, you would like your work to speak for itself. That clients line up to give you a free hand in your creations, and pay you great prices to photograph for them on assignment.

Use the discount code"TRAINING24"

Selling? You'd rather photograph

The harsh reality is that you don't earn nearly as much money as you would like to. In fact, you regularly do other jobs to get by each month. And although you have a talent for photography, you find that selling difficult. Let alone daring to ask good prices. You are more likely to concede in negotiations and offer discounts because you fear the competition.

And then all those unstoppable developments; smartphones, AI...
Where do you stand as a photographer? What distinguishes you, what makes your work desirable?
That requires a strong positioning of your photography, smart revenue models and most importantly: a rock-solid mindset.

From deficit to abundance

Trainer Kaat Celis: "With over 20 years of experience in the photo industry, both in Belgium and abroad, I understand like no other the challenges you face as a photographer. In all those years, I have coached countless photographers and got to know the back of their business, including all the ups and downs. 

My own journey has also been one of continuous growth and development. In the beginning, my focus was still on deficit. Through trial & error, I managed to shift that to abundance.

I experimented with various business models and have been investing in both personal and business coaching for years. I also learned how to harness the power of enthusiastic energy to be very successful. Or how your money blueprint (what you inherited from your parents) can get in the way of your business and how to remove that blockade."

"The great thing is; this transformation doesn't have to take you years:
In the online training course Photography, Money & Mindset, I share all my knowledge and experience to help you in your own successful journey in the world of photography."
- Kaat Celis

Success on three levels

Just "tricks" to make more money won't get you there. Lasting success requires more. This complete program offers you the breadth of business opportunities as well as the depth of personal change. That is why this training focuses on three crucial components that reinforce each other:

  1. Mindset: learn how to think differently, to act differently - with better results! And: how everything starts with mindset, also within your photography business.

  2. Money: discover what your money blueprint is and how to shift it. Learn how to play with your money mindset and make it work for you.

  3. Photography: learn what your strengths are as a photographer, making you incomparable. Learn what revenue models & rates bring you the most revenue.

"As a photographer I have quite a lot of experience, but I was looking for a training course to develop further as an entrepreneur. At first I had my doubts. Because working on your mindset, is that really necessary? How glad I am that I took it. Only now do I understand how everything fits together. I have grown so much in all areas, as have my sales!"

- Melissa.

  • More balance between time, energy and money create 

  • Better paid assignments attract, which means you have to work less

  • Make a good living from your photography, with more exhibits + more work sold

  • Working only from your conditionsso that the creative also flows

  • And brings you more financial clout, to invest in equipment
    and live the way you want (bring on that bucket list!)

And this training consists of no less than nearly 90 lessons!

Photography, Money & Mindset will help you to:


🧠 How do I create more work-life balance ?
🧠 How do I get rid of those bullshit excuses to really achieve that success now?
🧠 What can I do to work energetically both in and on my business?
🧠 What can I do to make the best impression, to wow clients with my work?
🧠 How can I turn limiting beliefs into helping thoughts?
🧠 How do I learn to think in possibilities instead of deficits?
🧠 What immediately gives me more peace of mind so that I can get up with confidence?

What will you learn, discover & develop in this training?

The training consists of nearly 90 lessons and the topics covered include: 


💷 What is my money blueprint that I inherited from my parents and how do I make it work to my advantage?
💷 What is a money mindset, how do I figure out what mine is and how do I make it work for me in my business?
💷 What are the basics for financial success?
💷 How do I get good at making a lot of money ?
💷 What are your unique money traits?
💷 How can I break that revenue ceiling and reprogram my financial thermostat ?


📷 What revenue models are all possible, and which ones suit me?
📷 What makes me unique as a photographer and therefore attractive to clients?
📷 What makes me able to be paid well for the result instead of my time?
📷 How do I dare to charge (more) money for my work, and at what rates then?
📷 How can I get a better grip on what I am doing now (photographically & financially), and how can I change this concretely?
📷 What financial structures, collaboration models and sponsorship proposals can I concretely use and how?

Small print?

There is no such thing in this training.
Because you are going to develop yourself GREATER through applicable theory, concrete advice
and practical templates. For even GREATER results.

How does this training work?

▶ Sign up for the online training via this link
▶ After payment you will receive the link to the online learning environment
▶ Login and watch the introduction video
▶ Expert Kaat Celis also takes your input into account to tailor the training to the needs of the participants
▶ The first modules are online and every two weeks you get access to a new module.
▶ Each module includes both video and audio lessons, complete with transcripts to read up on if you wish
▶ You can ask questions in the online environment
▶ You will have access to the training (which consists of almost 90 lessons) for two years to follow everything at your own pace


The investment for the online training course Photography, Money & Mindset consists of almost 90 lessons and is 997 euros (ex. VAT) only until September 13! For this, use the discount code"TRAINING24"

From Sept. 13, the price rises to €1222, ex VAT. Do you prefer to pay in installments? That's possible too!

In addition, you will receive the inspiring book 'Freedom Unlocked' by Kim De Graeve

Plus your own 'The Dark Room Notebook' for all your new insights and targeted actions

There is an additional bonus for those who decide quickly. Will you join within 48 hours? Then in addition to the online training you will also receive access to all master classes of The Dark Room in 2024.

+ the first 5 registrants will receive a review session with Kaat Celis.

"I wanted to take a new direction with my photography and wanted some help, next steps, advice, .... I received valuable feedback and clear next steps."

- Julie

"Having just started as a freelancer and in need of feedback on the direction I want to go in, I decided to enlist Kaat's help. Because of her help I have a clear choice between different avenues I can choose as a photographer. And a push in the butt :)." Her input is very positive, and instructive. Very clear and pleasant."

- Josefien.

"I think for anyone who has serious ambitions, it's good to have your work, your outlook and your plans scrutinized by an experienced person like, for example, Kaat"

- Rob

"Thanks to this training I got a completely different mindset and was able to break many taboos. Most importantly, through your support and guidance I have gained much more self-confidence. This has had a huge impact on my business. Being able to turn my passion into a source of income by developing the right mindset."

- Joke

"I decided to join this training to push myself to take action. This training has already given me many practical tips that I am already working hard to put into practice."

- Stefanie

"I wanted to learn about how to get more out of my photography financially. The training has already helped me appreciate my work more and dare to raise my prices more with ease. It also helps to use the tip 'don't make money heavy'. I no longer feel uncomfortable when I give someone an award."

- Louise

Who is this training for?

✅ For ambitious photographers who would like to take a big step in mindset, professionalism, earning models and revenue.
✅ For conceptual, artistic photographers who would like to make a good living from their work, without having to take a side job.
✅ For commercial, applied photographers who would like to work only with their ideal clients and charge excellent rates for doing so.

❌ This training is not for amateur photographers who see their photography as a hobby.
❌ The classes do not suit photographers who do not dare to take steps in their personal and professional development.
❌ This training is not for photographers who do not want to take personal responsibility and tend to put everything off.

Photography, Money & Mindset is a transformational program that requires your commitment, in order to make the greatest impact on your business, your success and your life.

About Kaat Celis

After training as a photographer, Kaat worked as photo editor at Het Laatste Nieuws and Goedele magazine and as Chief of Photography at De Morgen. 

After her career in the media, Kaat put Belgian photography on the (inter)national stage as founder and frontwoman of De Donkere Kamer

The AntwerpPhoto Festival, live shows on major Flemish stages, online master classes, its own webshop plus podcast make The Darkroom the platform for Belgian photography.

Kaat knows the dynamics of the industry inside out and is also active as:

  • Curator of photographic exhibitions nationally and internationally.

  • Judge at various (inter)national photo competitions and fairs. 

  • Organizer of the Winner's Program for the winners of the World Press Photo Awards in Amsterdam. 

  • Creative & business coach for professional photographers.

"If you dare to think in terms of possibilities, there is always a way. No matter what, a rock-solid mindset helps you believe in yourself, your work and the many opportunities to make good money." 

- Kaat Celis

Are you ready for the shift?

If you can't answer "YES" wholeheartedly (yet), ask yourself what the consequences are if you do nothing now. One thing is certain; if you do what you always did, you will get what you always got. 

Are you not happy with where you are now as a photographer? And would you like to see it differently? Then you need to make a different choice in the here and now. Entering this training is a powerful choice. A firm step that will teach you to think differently, feel differently and act differently. With as a result: different, much better results.

And rest assured, you don't have to do it alone. Trainer & expert Kaat Celis is your guide. Besides her inspiring lessons and concrete advice, you can ask her your questions. Do you want to discover where your growth as a photographer and entrepreneur lies, to turn that into success? 


  • This program is suitable for both beginners and more experienced photographers. As a new business owner, you are off to a strong start right away. If you have had a business for some time, this is your chance to get to that next level with your photography business.

  • Please allow approximately one hour per week. Every week a new lesson will become available, so that you are also actively working on your Photography, Mindset & Money each week. If you wish, you can repeat the modules to make them your own. The more you experiment with them, the faster you will see effects in your business. And of course you can listen to the lessons on the go!

  • You will have access to the online learning environment for two years. This gives you plenty of time and space to take the classes at your own pace. You will also receive all updates and any additions during this period. Tip: Check out the lessons as soon as they come out so you can put them into practice as soon as possible to positively change your situation.

  • When in doubt, look at your current business: your numbers, your clients, your commissions, your satisfaction. Is this what you want? If not, find solutions, think differently, bigger, dare to experiment or get help and buy the course.

  • No, this training is not a spiriwiri course. For example, the mindset module covers time, money and energy and how they are related to each other. These are very 'earthly' laws from quantum physics and epigenetics: what your attention goes to, attracts. Using practical examples, you will discover how this applies in your daily life.

  • It may feel like a big investment. How much are you allowing yourself, and how much do you want to get out of your business? Also consider how much money you have been missing out on in recent years by staying in your thoughts of scarcity and shortage. By repeating over and over again what you always did, and thus staying stuck in where you are now. If you think 997 euros is too much money to pay at once, you may also pay the amount in 3 or in 6 installments to make it feasible.

  • Yes, you may be (rightly) wondering why I'm revealing the secrets behind my successful business. Especially for an investment that can pay you back relatively quickly. Simple: I grant it to photographers with all my heart to make a good living from work. Moreover, it is my mission to give Belgian photography an (inter)national stage. And the more successful photographers, the more visual impact we can make together.

  • It's never too late, but the sooner you learn to shift your mindset and make it work in favor of your business and your ideas, the sooner the flywheel can turn and you can make a good living from your photography practice.

  • Certainly, this is a coaching program that will make you a better and more successful photographer. Because of this, it is not a cost, but an investment in you as a creative person, as a craftsman/woman, as a business leader of your business; an investment that you should be able to get out of it double and thick, if you go all the way.