Inspiring photobook stories

Kaat Celis, founder of The Dark Room, has been collecting photo books for 20 years. In these short videos, she takes you inside her bookcase, through the story of a photo book.

Or view all Photobook Stories here:

Peter Lindbergh - Images of Woman

Bart Heynen - Waterlanders

Robert Doisneau - Rue Jacques Prevert

Stephan Vanfletere - Charleroi

Bastiaan Woudt - Peak

Lieve Blancquaert - Photographer

Alec Soth - Songbook

Hanne Van Assche - Lucky

Sybren Vanoverberghe - Conference of the Birds

Kadir van Lohuizen - Via PanAm

Marushke Lavigne - Sometime

Servaas Van Belle - Stable

Dieter De Lathauwer - I loved my wife

Miquel Dewever-Plana - HACH WINIK

Katrien de Blauwer - Why I hate cars

Jacques Sonck - Twice

Erwin Olaf - I Am

Alex Webb - Istanbul

Robin de Puy - Randy

Eva Vermandel - Sprinter

Nicolai Howalt - Old Tjikko.

Mashid Mohadjerin - Freedom is not free.

Malick Sibibé - a Gallery FIFTYONE booklet.

Gilbert Fastenaekens - Noces.

Awoiska van der Molen - Sequester.

Saul Leiter - Colors.

Koos Breukel - Son.

Sanne De Wilde / Benedicte Kurzen - Land of Ibeji

Ed van der Elsken - The camera in love

Sébastien Van Malleghem - Nordic Noir

Robert Frank - Peru

Anaïs Lopez - The Migrant

Carl De Keyzer - God Inc I & II

Tine Guns - Watching the Black between the Stars

Raymond Depardon - Errance

Martine Franck - Untitled book

Lara Gasparotto - Solstices

Christopher Anderson - PIA

Stephan Vanfleteren - Belgicum