Spar with Kaat Celis: Improve your photography, your business and chance of publication.

The formerly "little brother" of the Visual Arts has grown into a recognized medium and a very profitable branch; the interest and demand for good photography is growing more and more.

The demand for photography is growing.

At the same time, the supply is growing, and with it the challenge of making your work stand out.

You have an eye for it. But who is watching with you?

Yes, you want to stand out, because you take your photography very seriously. It's your passion and profession. Your creativity plus source of income. It's business and very personal.

And therein lies the great challenge. Because you can have so much focus, often you yourself don't see how to achieve your dreams. All the while you know that your work is worth showing to a large audience. Indeed, you dream of one day publishing, exhibiting or who knows, winning that renowned photo contest.

More than talent & technology

How would it be if you could bring that "someday" to the here & now? The talent you have. So do the skills. But for true success, your work has to be more than good. You have to be exceptionally good; both in composition and technique, in post-processing, editing and presentation.

The big question is: what can you do to take your photography to that higher level?

Next level with the review session

Creator of The Dark Room, Kaat Celis, was frequently asked if she could provide feedback on portfolios: "Many photographers want to continue to grow in their work, to bring it more to the attention of the public and thus earn more from it."

To best help them do this, we now offer a select number of review sessions per month." This session is (in addition to the pick-my-brain VIP variant) the only opportunity to benefit from Kaat Celis' knowledge, expertise, experience and network.

I wanted to move in a new direction with my photography and wanted some help, next steps, advice,.... The session did come in. The feedback was clear, confronting at times. A mirror was clearly held up to me. I am very glad I booked the session because I got a clear direction and to do's to grow.

- Julie Vanderhaeghe

  • Get your project to the next phasemore smoothly, for faster results

  • bring a bright line to your work, for sharper positioning as a photographer

  • strategic steps for a boost in your business

  • more professional, to take your photography to a higher level engage

  • consequently also higher rates be able to charge higher rates, for more return on your work

The review session helps you to:

Customized, focused on your needs

For focused results, the review session connects to your work, business and situation.

Topics covered during a session include:

How can I make my photography more professional and visible?
I get stuck in my work, how can I see the forest for the trees again?
How dare I ask (more) money for my work, and what rates?
I miss connections. How do I get a network to make my work public?
My offer is so large, how do I make the best choice within my portfolio?
How do I create a common thread, a recognizable theme in my photography?
I dream of an international career. What is the best next step?

In the comprehensive intake you can bring in your specific questions.
During the review session, you will receive concrete coaching plus professional feedback so you can boost your photography & business! 🚀

How does the review session work?

1. Schedule your session via the buy button (or click right here)

2. After payment you will receive the link to the intake

3. Watch the introductory video & answer the questions

4. Send your input no later than 5 business days before the session

5. One day before the session you will receive the Zoom link

6. Meet Kaat online at the appointed time

7. In one hour you get professional feedback, completely tailored to you


For a one-time fee of € 300 (excluding VAT) photography expert Kaat Celis will study your photography, business, website and social media extensively in advance. During the review session you will have her undivided attention, receive concrete advice and can ask all kinds of questions. 📸 🙌🏼
In addition, you will receive these extras:


➕ Record the review session so you can watch it back whenever and however many times you want.

➕ A ticket to the online master class by Adriana Zehbrauskas on May 23 because learn from the best! (Don't worry if you can't attend, a replay will be sent to you)

"Honestly, I thought I should know everything after about eight years in the business. But I was not yet where I wanted to be. In retrospect, the review session turned out to be very useful and meaningful. Precisely because of the feedback, I knew which specialty I want to go for, and I have since been invited to exhibit in a gallery."

- Johan

"The session did come in. The feedback was clear, occasionally confrontational though. A mirror was clearly held up to me. I am very glad I booked the session because I got a clear direction and to do's to grow."

- Julie

"Kaat doesn't grab you with velvet gloves. She is direct, but fair. This gave me many new insights and allowed me to improve my work immediately. That was very valuable."

- Amy

"I would definitely recommend a review session. The fact that you get an enormous amount of input in a short period of time, I would definitely pass along. So that it's really rewarding. That it's also recorded and you can watch it back later so you can be with your full attention at the moment. That Kaat has prepared this thoroughly and she really is there to help you."

- Josefien


✅ For ambitious photographers eager to take the next step in professionalism, visibility and reach.

❌ This session is not for amateur photographers who have no concrete plans for their photographic work.

Even more ambition?

In this VIP version of the review session, you'll spend as much as three hours sparring with photography expert Kaat Celis. In consultation, you determine what you will focus on together. For example:

  • making a portfolio edit

  • determine exhibition structure

  • create media proposal

  • subsidy file in position

  • develop project proposal

The investment of this 'pick my brain' is €550 (excluding VAT).

"Kaat gave us new insights and energy. She is professional and well prepared!

- Verne

"Thank you for the informative review session Kaat. You gave with the confirmation and drive to still take that step that I doubted myself."

- Liese

"I think for anyone who has serious ambitions it is good to have your work, your outlook and your plans scrutinized by an experienced person like, for example, Kaat"

- Rob

"After deciding to go 100% for photography, I realized that I needed to do some things better. Broadly speaking, I knew what I needed to tackle, but often I didn't know how and what options existed. So for this, I needed guidance. I really liked the vision/approach Kaat has about photography and the business side of the profession. Her advice and open, honest view of my work was partly a confirmation, but certainly also an eye-opener and very motivating."

- Pascal

About Kaat Celis

After training as a photographer, Kaat spent 10 years in the media as a photo editor, including at Het Laatste Nieuws and Goedele magazine.

After her position as Chief of Photography at newspaper De Morgen, she founded De Donkere Kamer in 2015 and subsequently AntwerpPhoto festival. She also brought the retrospective on Helmut Newton to Belgium. 

With live shows at major Flemish venues, online master classes, major international exhibitions, its own webshop and podcast channel, it is

The Dark Room the platform for Belgian photography.

Kaat also organizes the Winner's Program for the winners of the World Press Photo Awards in Amsterdam.

She also curates photo exhibitions at home and abroad and is active as a juror in numerous (inter)national photo competitions and fairs.

Says Kaat Celis, "I see it as my mission to represent Belgian photography talent and give them a well-deserved stage."

"I am happy to use my vast experience, expertise and network to help photographers get the most out of their work so they can take a hit in their professionalism as well as success."

- Kaat Celis

How long do you "watch it"?

It can feel very exciting to have your work reviewed. To share your doubts and maybe even insecurities. But you have long felt that desire for change; more focus on your photography, more return from your work.

You don't have to do this alone. In fact, with an expert by your side, you'll walk two steps faster. Your work will be reviewed on all sides and you'll get honest, constructive feedback that you can move forward with immediately.

And rest assured: every photographer, in any professional phase, needs an experienced expert to look over their shoulder from time to time. Do you want to stand out, make strides and are you willing to invest in yourself and your business?


If you have recently had a (VIP) review session with Kaat Celis it is possible to schedule a follow-up session. In which you can ask me additional questions and together we can follow up on the steps we discussed during the review session or who knows, maybe new things have come up that you would like to discuss with me.

The follow-up session lasts one hour and you will also be sent a recording of this afterwards.

You can book this session now for only 199 euros, excluding VAT.


  • Only 4 spots are available per month. The earlier you book, the more choice you have in terms of dates and times.

  • Please allow approximately 1.5 hours to answer all questions to the best of your ability. The more complete your input, the better the output of the review session will be.

  • Sure. For the review session, there is no distinction between junior and senior photographers. Every photographer has questions and can use professional help at their own level.

  • No, your project doesn't have to be ready to book a review session. In fact, it can be beneficial to spar precisely in the early stages so that you can avoid dead ends early on.

  • This investment is going to pay off handsomely, but only if you give complete input, make very clear where you want to go and what your concrete questions are.

  • Certainly not. Curators even love the input of "new talents" and "theme specialists. Various photography competitions have even created separate categories for this, so that your work also has a chance.

  • The Darkroom founder & photography curator chooses the program for the live shows based on what she comes across and sees. Guarantees of selection cannot be given in advance, but one thing is for sure: you will at least be in the picture with Kaat, and who knows, maybe even featured in one of the shows!

  • Of course! The language of photography does not stop at national borders. Kaat's network and expertise extends beyond Belgium: she has had many international collaborations, speaks English and can meet you from anywhere via the online session.

  • That's right & safe. All information you share as a participant before and during the review session will be kept confidential and not shared with third parties.

  • See also the answer to question 5: the output is highly dependent on the quality of your input. When participating in the review session, we assume that you want to get the most out of it, and thus make the best effort to complete the intake. If, after reading your input, Kaat feels there are things missing, her team will report this so you can complete it.

    Be assured that at the end of the review session you will receive at least 3 concrete pieces of advice (although in practice there are often many more), plus 10 practical addresses you can use to create more visibility for your work.

  • When scheduling the review session, your appointment is listed in both calendars. If you are unexpectedly ill, please report this as soon as possible. Then a new appointment will be scheduled.